Dues (money for the Troop) – are collected from each scout. Currently they are $100 per year, which can be paid annually or quarterly ($25 per quarter). Dues are prorated for new scouts.
Friends of Scouting (“FOS”) or “Fair Share” (money for the Council) – Annually (usually in Feb/March) families are asked to contribute to the “Friends of Scouting” or “Fair Share” campaign. This money is used by the Pacific Skyline Council to maintain the programs and camps for the scouts such as the day camps, Boulder Creek, Cutter and Oljato overnight camps, training programs, etc.
Registration Fee (money for BSA National) – Annually (usually in November) each scout and registered adult pays a registration fee, which is collected by the troop and used to register each scout or adult with the National Office of Boy Scouting. Registration for 2014 is $24. Boys also have the option of paying for a subscription to Boy’s Life Magazine at this time.
Reimbursement – Patrols are assigned a food budget per person for each campout and are expected to stay within it when doing their shopping. The Troop’s menu planning form provides a space to calculate the budget and reminds scouts of food and supplies that are always available in the shed and need not be bought. Parents should supervise the shopping, reminding the scout that being ”thrifty” is one of the Boy Scout laws, ensuring meals will be balanced and that prohibited items (soda, candy, etc.) are not purchased. Parents who spend money for outings such as for buying food, or paying for parking should turn their receipts in to the Treasurer for reimbursement. If they so choose they can have the reimbursement credited to their scout’s impound account to be used for the cost of future outings or dues.
Outings – The cost per scout for the monthly outings (day or overnight) is usually $20-$45, depending on the activity and location.
Summer Camp – The cost per scout for the annual one-week summer camp is usually around $275.
Scout Impound Accounts – Each scout has his own personal troop account. Money is put into the scout’s account whenever he earns money through scout activities such as popcorn sales, wreath sales, etc. Mileage is also credited to the scout’s account when his parent drives on an overnight outing. The money in a scout’s account may be used to pay for monthly outings or summer camp or dues. The Troop adds any balance that remains in an impound account when a scout leaves the troop to the John David Violet Campership Fund (see below).
John David Violet (JDV) Campership Fund – John Violet was a First Class Scout in Troop 27 when he died at age 13 in 1989. He enjoyed scouting very much, and his family requested donations to a troop memorial fund. The JDV fund provides money for outings or Summer Camp for a boy or boys who, only because of finances, would be prevented from attending these activities and getting as much out of scouting as John did. The use of the funds is up to the Troop leadership; there are no specific financial criteria. The Troop requires that funds be used for outings concerning advancement. The scout must be working on rank or merit badges connected with the outing. Full, partial or loan funding is available. Contact the Scoutmaster, Treasurer Committee Chair or Advancement Chairperson of Troop 27.
Canoe Replacement Fund – In order to renew our fleet of canoes, we include a “canoe fee” in the cost of any outing where the canoes are used. The fee ranges from $1 to $5 per person, depending on the length of the outing. These fees are accumulated to help cover the cost of periodically replacing canoes.