The mothers of Scouts in Troop 27 wear ribbons at the Troop Courts of Honor which are held in the fall and in the spring to display the pins commemorating scout ranks their sons have earned. The ribbons are also worn on Scout Sunday in February. Each mother may make her own ribbon, so you will see a variety if you look around at mothers of scouts in the troop. You can buy a piece of ribbon about 10 inches long at any fabric store. Alternatively, the Troop supplies a red, white and blue striped ribbon for mothers of new scouts.
If your son was a Cub Scout and earned the Arrow of Light, then the first pin on your ribbon is the Arrow of Light pin. If your son earned the Arrow of Light but you do not have the pin you can purchase one at the Council Office. It is a small gold bar about a half-inch in length.
At each Court of Honor at which your son advances a rank, he will escort you up to the stage and he will be given the mother’s pin for his new rank to pin on your ribbon!
Wear your ribbon proudly! Your son has worked hard to earn these pins for you!
Hint: cut a small piece of felt to go between the ribbon and the pin backing. This will help keep the pin straight by providing more thickness than the ribbon alone.