The first virtual outing of Troop 27 was very successful. At 1:30 the zoom meeting started in which the outing started off in a scenic background of a minecraft server. Older scouts were able to design not only a realistic flag, accompanied by a coded bugle sound track, but the server also included well made structures which resembled that of ones made by scouts in the famous summer camp hosted every year in the sierras. The meeting soon drifted into an assortment of online games including a troop wide Minecraft server, Bingo, and around 2. This lasted till around 4.Personally Being on the minecraft server, I was able to experience first hand the collaboration of the scouts, as they helped each other survive through difficult situations. At 4, there became a free time break, where scouts were able to do whatever they want, up until 6. At 6, patrols met in little groups to chat about their dinner. They played little games such as two truths and a lie, which personally was very successful in my patrol, especially as younger scouts got to know the other ones. At 6:45 patrols competed in a knot race, in which the patrols had to show a picture of all the members with a completed basic knot. After this ended, around 7:30. The patrols again conversed till 8:30. At 8:30 everyone joined in for a virtual campfire, in which the various patrols presented skits and songs, till 9, at which point everyone went to bed after the nightly vespers. The next day at 9am the scouts joined in for an important scouts own, which finished of the unique outing.
– Lukas Wiggers
B27 Scribe