Assistant Patrol Leader (APL) – assists the Patrol Leader. The APL is appointed by the Patrol Leader. He attends the monthly Patrol Leader Council (PLC) if the Patrol Leader is unable to attend. This position does NOT fulfill the leadership requirement for rank advancement.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL) – assists the Senior Patrol Leader. The ASPL is appointed by the SPL and is a scout at the rank of First Class or higher. He runs the meetings, outings and PLC if the Senior Patrol Leader is unable to attend. The ASPL helps provide training and direction for the Quartermaster, Scribe, OA representative, Historian, and Librarian. Mentored by the Scoutmaster.
Den Chief (DC) – Works with a Cub Scout den as a guide. Attends Cub Scout meetings and serves as an aide to the Den Leader(s). Encourages Cub Scouts to continue with Scouting and bridge to Boy Scouts. Den Chief training is recommended. Mentored by TG/IC Advisor.
Historian (HSTN) – a junior leader whose responsibility is to maintain historical scrapbooks for the troop and/or help maintain the website’s photo gallery. The Historian is usually at First Class rank or above and a voluntary position but may be appointed by the Scoutmaster. Mentored by the Webmaster, or appropriate ASM.
Instructors – as members of the Instructor Corps (ICs), the Instructors are older scouts who have demonstrated proficiency in scout skills. They mainly run our annual summer camp, after building it with support from the Venture Crew and advanced party ASMs. See the section on the Program for Older Scouts for more information and requirements. Mentored by the TG/IC Advisor.
Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (JASM) – is a Scout at least 16 years of age who has shown outstanding leadership skills. A Junior Assistant Scoutmaster follows the guidance of the Scoutmaster in providing support and supervision to the other boy leaders in the troop. Upon his 18th birthday, a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster is eligible to become an assistant Scoutmaster. The JASM is selected and mentored by the Scoutmaster.
Librarian (LBRN) – a junior leader whose responsibility is to maintain the troop’s collection of merit badge books, making sure that the merit badge books are checked in and out correctly. The Librarian is usually First Class rank or above and is a voluntary position but may be appointed by the Scoutmaster. Mentored by the Advancement Chair.
Order of the Arrow Representative (OA REP) – A scout who is a member of the Order of the Arrow and represents the troop at monthly OA meetings, usually held at the Council Office. The OA Rep is approved by the Scoutmaster and keeps the troop informed on all OA activities.
Patrol Leader (PL) – is usually a 7th-10th grader with at least one to two years of experience in the troop, usually at First Class rank or above. He is elected by his patrol and is in charge of a patrol of 6-10 scouts. Among his many duties, he represents his patrol at the monthly Patrol Leaders’ Council meetings. Mentored by the Troop Guides.
Quartermaster –is responsible for maintenance and storage of troop equipment. The Quartermaster is usually at First Class rank or above and is a voluntary position but may be appointed by the Scoutmaster. Mentored by the Equipment Coordinator.
Scribe – is in charge of taking notes at the PLC, writing articles for the newsletter and writing thank-you letters or other correspondence on behalf of the Troop. The Scribe is usually at First Class rank or above and is a voluntary position but may be appointed by the Scoutmaster. Mentored by the Newsletter Editor.
Senior Patrol Leader (SPL) – is usually an 8th grader or high school student who is in charge of leading the junior leaders of the troop, running troop meetings and outings. The SPL is elected by the troop. He must have previously served as a Patrol Leader, Troop Guide or Assistant Senior Patrol Leader and be at the rank of Star or above. It is preferred that he has attended a National Youth Leader Training (NYLT) course. Mentored by the Scoutmaster.
Troop Guide (TG) – is responsible is to help teach new scouts what they need to move up to the next rank. He assists, advises and mentors the Patrol Leaders of the New Scout patrol and of the Junior patrols. Troop Guides are members of our Senior patrol, and are usually ICs at summer camp. The Troop Guide holds the rank of First Class or above and is a voluntary position but may be appointed by the Scoutmaster. Mentored by the TG/IC Advisor. See the section on the Program for Older Scouts for more information.
Webmaster (WM) – is responsible is to help maintain the troop’s website. The Troop Guide holds the rank of First Class or above and is a voluntary position but may be appointed by the Scoutmaster. Mentored by the Adult Webmaster.
(Interested in volunteering? Contact the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair!)
Training is required for registered adults and is recommended for non-registered adults (parents) as well. Training is offered through the Pacific Skyline Council either online or in person. More information is available at Current required training courses are:
- Youth Protection Training – every two years
- Fast Start Training – online only. An overview of the Scouting program and your specific responsibilities.
- This is Scouting – online only. An introductory session that highlights the values, aims, history, methods and funding.
- Scoutmaster/ASM Position-Specific – Specialized knowledge for Scoutmasters and Assistant Scoutmasters -OR- (choose #4 or #5).
- Troop Committee Challenge – available online. Specialized knowledge for committee members. After the committee members complete this step, they may wear the Trained patch.
- Introduction to Outdoors Leader Skills – Required outdoor training for Scoutmasters and ASMs. The training is based on the outdoor skills in the Boy Scout Handbook. On completion of this step, Scoutmasters and ASMs may wear the Trained Patch
Advancement Chairperson (ADV) – maintains the records on the rank advancement and merit badge completion for the scouts. S/he is the person the scout is to contact to arrange for a Scoutmaster Conference appointment or a Board of Review appointment. Mentors the Troop Librarian maintaining the Troop library of merit badge books. Actively recruits merit badge (MB) counselors, especially those for Eagle required merit badges, and provides opportunities for troop MB classes. Maintains the Troop merit badge counselor list. Heads the Advancement Committee.
Advancement Committee Member (ACM) – assists the ADV, in particularly with requests for Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review appointments, and helps provide opportunities for troop MB classes.
Assistant Scoutmaster (ASM) – works directly with the Scouts. ASMs are adult leaders who assist the Scoutmaster and lead outings if SM cannot attend. They provide the required two-deep leadership standards set by BSA. ASMs must take all basic Boy Scout Leader training courses. One or two ASMs are designated to mentor new scouts and guide them toward first class; other ASMs mentor various junior leaders and scouts moving toward the rank of Eagle. ASMs must complete Youth Protection training.
Chartered Organization Representative (COR) – liaison between Hillsdale United Methodist Church (Troop 27’s charter organization) and the Troop. The COR checks references for all adult applications.
Committee Chairperson (CC) – deals with the adults as well as the youth. S/he is the person to contact about troop business that does not directly apply to a scout. S/he prepares Troop committee meeting agendas, leads the monthly parent committee meeting, recruits adults for leadership positions, is a liaison between the District/Council and Troop adults, maintains a close relationship with the COR and the SM, and approves all adult applications.
Committee Member (MC) – Troop 27 considers all parents to participate in the Troop Committee, which is responsible for conducting the business of the troop and setting policy. Parents may join officially as Committee Members if they do not want to be ASMs. Officially registered Committee Members (MC) may be asked to meet separately for situations requiring discussion and a vote. Committee Members must take the Youth Protection Training Course, available online as well as “Troop Committee Challenge”.
Court of Honor Chairperson – coordinates the Court of Honor dinner and program, working with the Scoutmaster and Advancement Chairperson. COH Chairperson and a volunteer committee handle planning, decorations, food and recognition prize purchasing and publicity.
Equipment Coordinator – works with the Troop Quartermaster on inventory and proper storage and maintenance for all troop equipment and supplies, including canoes and trailers. Makes periodic safety checks on all troop camping gear and encourages safe use of all outdoor equipment. Reports to Troop Committee for approval of expenditures for equipment and supplies. Mentors the Quartermaster.
Experienced Uniform Coordinator – maintains (washes, sorts and organizes) the supply of “experienced”, out-grown uniforms, available for borrowing.
Fundraising Chairperson(s) – Each fundraising activity requires a Chairperson to coordinate the event, track the proceeds and participation by Scouts and parents, etc. Events include Popcorn Sales, Wreath Sales, Fair Share/FOS (Friends of Scouting) and other opportunities. Coordinates with the Treasurer.
Home Contact Parent – listed on outing fliers, this parent receives phone calls from the SM or ASM in charge of an outing and contacts the parents of the scouts on the outing, letting them know the approximate arrival time back at the Church.
Merit Badge Counselor – works with, reviews, and signs off merit badge work done by a scout on a particular merit badge. (See separate list of merit badge counselors.) Must be an adult, and registered with the Council as a merit badge counselor. Parents are encouraged to sign up as merit badge counselors in areas where they have specialized knowledge, reflecting their vocation, hobbies or other interests. Merit badge counselors are encouraged to obtain merit badge counselor training, available through the Council, and must take Youth Protection Training.
Newsletter Editor – ensures that a monthly newsletter is published and sent to all members. Most members receive it via e-mail. Mentors the Scribe.
Public Relations Chair – handles publicity for the troop, including newsworthy activities. Coordinates with local newspapers or other media, supplying pictures or articles that promote Troop 27 and scouting.
Rank Mentor – mentor scouts for rank advancement. Classified into three phases; Trail to First Class, Star/Life, and Eagle Scout Mentor.
Recruitment Chairperson – Coordinates activities with local Webelos Dens including our Webelos Canoe Outing, Webelos Extreme, and other special Webelos activities. Maintains recruitment binder and contact lists. Coordinates with the Readyman Trail Boss. Responsible for troop representation at bridging ceremonies.
Registration Chairperson – Sends registration information to all scouts annually, receives the BSA registration fees (currently $24) and dues for the first quarter (or the year). Updates the Troop Charter and provides it to the Council office. Coordinates with the Treasurer.
Rover – ASMs under the age of 30 (usually alumni of T27 or V27) who act as staff at Summer Camp under the IC Advisor(s).
Scoutmaster (SM) – works directly with the Scouts – trains and guides boy leaders and mentors the Senior Patrol Leader. Works with the ASMs to achieve the aims of Scouting. He is the person to contact if you have any questions about your son’s participation in the Troop. He attends all troop activities or ensures there is another qualified adult leader (ASM) in charge. Scoutmaster must take all the basic Boy Scout Leader training courses offered by the Council. Wood Badge training is desired.
Secretary – keeps minutes of monthly Troop Parent Committee meetings; presents the minutes of the previous meeting providing copies and makes amendments as needed at Troop Parent Committee meetings.
Training Coordinator – ensures all leaders are Youth Protection trained. Informs and encourages adult leaders to take all available training courses; ensures adult leaders are up to date on all training as required for outings on the tour permits. Tracks adult training. Coordinates adult skills training within the troop.
Trail Boss – plans and coordinates an outing. Trail Boss is usually an ASM. Trail Boss ensures reservations are made for campsites, works with SM and youth leaders to plan activities, sets outing price, prepares flyer, collects outing fees, determines needed equipment and troop gear, etc. The Trail Boss handles the logistics for the outing; the Scoutmaster (or in his absence a designated ASM) is in charge of the outing, working with the SPL or senior youth leader.
Transportation Chairperson – Assigns passengers to cars, and assures vehicle capacity for needed equipment. Distributes and maintains driver packages. Coordinates with Trail Boss. Maintains the record of insurance coverage for all vehicles used in troop activities (including parent’s vehicles) and verifies that one seat/lap belt is available for each passenger. The Council requires this information before a Tour Permit is granted for any outing.
Treasurer (TRS) – maintains the Troop’s financial records, checking account, savings account, and the individual scout impound accounts. Pays bills/receipts for all authorized expenses. Oversees and works with all Fundraising Chairs and with Registration Chair. Prepares annual Troop budget.
Troop Guide/IC Advisor –ASM(s) in charge of the Troop Guides and Instructor Corps (IC). See the section on the Program for Older Scouts for more information. Mentors the Troop Guides and Instructors.
Venturing Advisor (VASM or VA) – The Venturing Crew (see Program for Older Scouts section) has an Advisor who is supported by Associate Advisors. These positions are akin to the Scoutmaster and ASMs of the Troop. Venturing Advisors may be dual registered as ASMs in the Troop.
Webmaster – Maintains the Troop website ( Mentors the Historian and youth Webmaster.