Comprehensive List of Troop 27 News & Scouting Interests

Flag Planting 2024

On Saturday May 25, Troop 27 had the annual Memorial Day Flag Planting at Skylawn Cemetery. This year, we had some other troops join us in flag planting. Before starting the troops gathered for donuts in one of the buildings. At the start, Mr. Frydenlund, talked about the importance of how Memorial Day can relate to us as civilians. Once dispersed, the patrols began to put flags down for those who served in the different military branches.

-Noe Peretz

2017 Jamboree Registration Open

jambostagebannerThe 2017 National Scout Jamboree is setting up to be a fantastic and memorable lifetime experience for everyone who attends. Find out more about attending with patrols from our Pacific Skyline Council as well as other upcoming Boy Scout activities here.

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Find out more about the Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve and registration information here.

2016 Activities Guide

Activities Guide 2016It doesn’t come in the mail anymore… Download the 2016 spring/summer Activities Guide PDF from the Pacific Skyline Council here! (Please check the Pacific Skyline Council website for the most up-to-date info.)

Merit Badges at Hiller Aviation

boy_scout_astronomy_merit_badge_200x200pxBoy Scouts can complete their requirements for the Aviation or Weather Merit Badge thru special 1-day programs at Hiller Aviation Museum in San Carlos. Go to www.hiller.orgExternal Link for details. Event is not a council event, please direct any questions to Hiller Aviation Museum.boy_scout_weather_merit_badge_200x200px

News from Pacific Skyline Council

Our local BSA council, Pacific Skyline Council provides a rich monthly newsletter that features regular topical sections such as: [Read more…]

Spring Court of Honor

Each spring we celebrate the last six months of advancement that was earned along with awards and presentations about recent activities. The evening is kicked off with a family dinner, which is followed by the ceremony.

Service Day

Church repairs and improvements, plus cleanup activities at the nearby storage locations that assist the troop with complementary equipment space.

Pinewood Derby Support for Pack 27

Welcome to the Race!

Every year more than a million Cub Scouts and adult partners team up to participate in a Pinewood Derby®, a tradition that goes back generations. As a coach and a Cub Scout design, carve, paint, weigh, refine, and race the car, a bond of partnership is created. This is at the heart of the event’s success. In addition, Cub Scouts build confidence and take pride in their own growing skills and hard work. So enjoy the ride! [Read more…]

60th Anniversary Celebration

On October 1st, 2011, Troop 27 celebrated its 60th anniversary with a splendid event. Nearly 200 people spanning several generations of scouts, past, present and future came to reunite with old friends, meet new friends, and remember the important part T27 played in their lives. [Read more…]